Feedback is everything: help-us

In 2018 the book ‘Dementie anders belicht’ by Marieke de Vrij was published. Now there is a second edition as well as an English version, both in book format as well as in digital format (e-book).

We would like to receive feedback on the effectiveness of the insights and advice provided in the book. Since you can download the e-book for free, we would like to ask you if you can help us with a first survey form.

We hope you can fill in the survey form below. Thank you very much!

Spread the word and share the book
We would like for everyone to be able to read, learn and talk about this book and exercises. And even more important: to benefit from its insights and wisdom. That is our passionate dream. So please, feel free to share this with all who can benefit, who work in the field, family and friends of people with dementia. In a nutshell: everybody. Spread the word. Thanks!

Help us to do the work
We are very happy that we can offer you this book and exercises for free. We dream of doing more research. Check out our plans for research. If you want to support our work, feel free to make a donation! It is very much appreciated. We feel it is also important for you to know that all donations are explicitly spend on bringing new inspirations into the world, we hope to stimulate growing awareness, so you can become your full potential and serve the world. Thank you!

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